Best In A List
Best In A List has many top 10 lists of things on every topic imaginable. Find our recommendations for the most popular companies, favorite products & more.
Top Lists
Best In A List is an expert in lists. Find the best top ten lists on many interesting topics, from the greatest countries to the most famous celebrities. Every list is researched carefully, written excellently, and created with a personal touch. The lists are also dynamic, meaning they get updated when our opinions change!
List of best companies

Review the top rated businesses in each industry, from small local businesses to the largest corporations. We have the lists of the most recommended companies in your area.
List of best jobs

Search for the highest paying jobs in each career, including employment without a degree or work experience. We have the lists of top jobs and salaries based on industry trends.
List of best people

Read about the most famous people and their accomplishments, from the top athletes to the hottest celebrities. Our lists celebrate the best leaders of all time.
List of best places

Learn about the top countries and best cities around the world. We have the lists of the most interesting places, including info about their culture, cuisine & communities.
List of best foods

Discover the tastiest foods, most popular drinks, and countless delicious recipes. We have the lists of the best meals you can enjoy at home or dine in restaurants.
List of best gifts

Shop for the best presents to give your loved ones on holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, or special occasions. We have the lists of luxurious or cheapest gifts for any budget.
List of best investments

Research the best financial investments and top currencies in the world. We have the lists of the hottest stocks right now and the most profitable crypto to mine.
List of best lawyers

Find the best lawyers and attorneys in every specialty, from family law to employment law. We have the lists of the top lawyers with the most experience and highest success rates.
List of best movies

View the best movies of all time in cinematic history. We have the lists of the top rated films in every genre, including famous blockbusters, cult favorites, and indie projects.
List of best sports

Celebrate the best athletes, top sports teams, and famous champions with world records. We have the lists of the most successful athletes in every discipline.